There is many rumour Tfl suspended SERU Test
24 January 2024
In a recent interview Sadiq Khan Mayor of London, announced Transport for London’s decision to “pause” enforcement action against the capital's cabbies who failed to meet English language requirements, after this, the news reached out through 100000 plus London Tfl drivers,
SERU came into force in October 2021. The SERU assessment covers an English Language speaking and listening assessment of 20 minutes and a SERU assessment (completed through multiple choice "Mcqs "and Sentence completion questions) total time is 50 minutes, and each assessment costs £36.
According the recent data, nearly 69 percent of drivers passed the assessment between October 2021 and October 2022 stood at just 69 per cent. (GB News) so it means nearly 31 percent of drivers failed in SERU test in that period, for the reason may Sadiq Khan just paused enforcement action against the capital's cabbies who failed to meet English language requirements,
After that all drivers received a notice email regarding driving This notice supplements TPH Notice 01/23." which clarifies categorically all groups in the email, and also the SERU test will remain the same for all new and existing drivers, just to “pause” enforcement action against the capital's cabbies
so do your preparation and read the email regarding Driving,
" Transitional arrangements were put in place and extended to allow drivers time to comply with the ELR and SERU requirements - please see TPH Notices 14/21, 14/22, and 01/23.
New applicants for a London PHV driver’s license have been required to take and pass the ELR and SERU assessments to be licensed since 1 April 2023. The dates by which existing London PHV drivers are required to take and pass the ELR and SERU assessments
(as set out in the relevant regulations) are as follows:
“Group 1”;
Those who did not provide ELR evidence by 30 September 2021 had to take and pass the SERU and ELR assessments by 30 September 2023.
“Group 2”
Those who provided evidence that they met the ELR but TfL deemed that evidence unsatisfactory must pass the SERU and ELR assessment by 30 September 2024
“Group 3”
Those who provided satisfactory evidence that they met the ELR must pass the SERU assessment only by 31 March 2025
“Group 4”
Those who applied for a license after 1 October 2021 must pass the SERU and ELR assessment by 30 September 2024 (from Tfl email)
So remember again the SERU assessment will remain the same for all new and existing drivers, just to “pause” enforcement action against" You do need to prepare yourself for the SERU assessment
if there is any new changes come into place every driver will be kept updated via email from TFL, news,